
In the spring of 2012, while home in Kansas City to visit my parents, my Father was shot and killed at 7am on a Sunday morning. The police call it a random act of violence. I'm still trying to find words that fit our family's great trauma. His murder brought a lot of first hand knowledge about tragedy into my life. A director whom I respect greatly once said that there isn't really "Directing Technique," or "Directing Style." Instead we direct who we are. It is a concept that I stand behind. My father's murder is a part of who I am. It informs the way I create scenes of tragedy and scenes of joy, but mostly it reminds me that creation and creating are gifts.

This NFP is near and dear to my heart. It is beautiful organization that lifts up people through the power of land ownership and agriculture. It was started by my amazing father-in-law (who's own story is pretty amazing). I hope to make a trip to see the farms and towns this organization empowers and then one day lead a group of likeminded generous souls to see for themselves what a generous spirit can accomplish.